I spoke recently with a client and almost spit out my drink when she said ..I feel like my condo board acts like my DAD! They refuse to provide documents or information, they hide and keep everything in secret and they probably even have Dad bods but I wouldn't know because we haven't had an AGM in 4 years so I have no idea what the board of directors looks like! Well, thank goodness she came to the right place we can help by making sure her condo starts having AGMs and deal with the lack of documents issues we can even provide best practices so boards stop acting like Dads but even Momentum can't cure the the Dad bod.
Then I started wondering why are so many condo boards of directors are filled with men who refuse to be held accountable and refuse to provide information to their owners?
The constant theme from condo owners is that they have sent a request to their board of directors and did not receive a response. Is it a power struggle or are they just playing Dad? Do they think that they are helping or acting as a board of directors by handling the issues or not handling issues because they are unconcerned and unaffected by condo owner's issues. Being on a board of directors is such a huge responsibility and very few do it very well. Mostly it's because they forget the basics and don't understand the purpose of a board. I wish we could send board members back to grade 7 social studies class. A condo board of directors is made up of owners who's purpose is to serve it's owners. You elect a board of directors at a meeting usually an AGM but not always and those elected members serve the interests of the owners. If the majority of the owners want new siding on the building and the corporation can afford it then the board puts new siding on the building its really pretty simple. So, why do boards make it so hard and so complicated? The board and the property manager as supposed to work with their owners to maintain a successful well looked after building. . A board of directors should represent a certain portion of the owners. Each member should know what those representatives expect and want in terms of the activities and events in a building. If you have a group of owners who want new siding on the building for instance and a group of owners who don't want new siding them the board should accurately reflect the wants and needs of each of those groups. After all the owners elected certain individuals to the board to represent their interests. The board of directors is not an entity that operates in a bubble, it's supposed to be open, transparent, understanding and governs together with it's owners not against them.
I don't need to tell you what working against owners looks like - when a board of directors starts acting like a Dad they need to step back and read some books about democracy and successful corporations. Successful corporations become successful because they create partnerships, use team work and respect each other. All those tactics work in condo corporations too, those corporate buzz words apply to condo boards, after all it is a corporation. If a corporation, a company that makes money operated in Dad mode they would drive their business into the ground. What do successful companies like Apple, IBM or Microsoft have in common? They don't operate like a Dad or in an authoritative manner, its really very simple! Board of Directors should take their cue from successful businesses. Successful boards of directors adapt and adopt all the corporate lingo and tricks of the trade and learn the best way to handle situations. How do successful corporation become successful? Well, they start by talking and learning from their clients. Successful corporations are only successful because they provide the services the client wants and needs. You don't last long in any industry when you don't provide services clients want and need....... So then why don't board members understand this very basic simple concept?
Too often members of boards burn out and feel like nothing they do is appreciated which of course is a often a symptom of volunteer positions. Being a board member doesn't have to cause burn out and shouldn't cause burn out. The best approach which is really the key to a successful company is to provide what the client wants when the client needs it and if its not in the best interests of the corporation then the boards needs to explain why and provide options. This is the key to successful leadership. Talk to the people. Boards need to get down to the owners level, ask questions and make sure you mind set is exactly that....you joined the board of directors to serve your community...so serve your community. For the record, serving your community does not mean imposing your will and wants but making sure decisions are made based on what the owners want and what is best for the community and corporation. Very simply if the board doesn't know what the owners want then they need to ask...which means have them vote.
All leaders have to reflect from time to time to ask themselves what they can do better and how could they have dealt with that situation better. Board member need to do the same. Learn from your mistakes, take the feedback, ask the owners for feedback and act like a leader and focus on the obligations of your role. Of course, you are never going to make everyone happy that's not possible but we threw that idea away a long time ago. We know that it doesn't work but compromise and working with your owners will never steer you wrong. Owners will respect the board member that went out of her way to ask how they were affected by certain events. If an owner was negatively affected make sure the board apologizes and they inform the owners how they plan to change the approach so they aren't negatively affected in the future.
If you are a condo board member take note...don't be a board Dad. As a board member you are an elected official of the corporation and will be held accountable to your owners. Adopt best practices and learn how elections and voting works to ensure that owners are represented and your community is successful.